Candiates who have submited there application between 06-09-2023 To 26-09-2023 period are requested to REAPPLY again.
Advertisement No.TtitleStart DateLast DateExtended DateApply
2025/CSIR-NCL/SCI OUTR/HCP-0101/475 Two Temporary Positions For Science Outreach / Scicomm In Jigyasa 2.0: Virtual Laboratory Integration (School Students) 28/03/202513/04/2025 
2025/CSIR-NCL/ORG/SSP304726/474 Senior Project Associate In Organic Synthesis-Flow Chemistry 26/03/202502/04/2025 
2025/CSIR-NCL/PSE/GAP327426/473 Recruitment Of Project Associate I For The Project Titled, “Centre Of Excellence In Speciality Polymers For Customized Additive Manufacturing” 12/03/202528/03/2025 
2025/CSIR-NCL/PSE/MMP035202/472 Filling Of Temperory Position In Research Project 18/03/202529/03/2025